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A picture is worth a thousand words so they say, but this one takes the biscuit! To promote a new sex shop in Italy, they had the interior windows of a car made to look like a steamy scene with the caption of ,'Toys you just can't wait to

Wanna see a scientist at work? Then payup! This ingenious contraption is a twist on the traditional fairground coin machine that gives out lashings of wisdom with a printed card. Instead of the robotic wizard or old lady, you get a real scientist who performs scientific experiments for a designated

Captiva created a world first with the 'Scratch Car-d', painting an entire car with silver latex, found on most scratch-off cards. Parked in Covent Garden street and surrounded by 16,995 pennies to represent the cost of the car, members of the public were invited to grab a penny and scratch

News just in that tea company Twinings has appointed a new agency – well, three actually, but we’re going to concentrate on the “speciality tea” market - to handle its £12 million advertising budget (an increase in recent spending from £3 million). As ever, we keep our minds nimble

For a truely great viral to be taken up by people you really need to have some great creative thinking. Samsung put together a professionally created set of videos and added interactivity. Limited product placement but the message is clearly displayed.

This was originally going to be an article on how we would represent Sky TV with experiential events…but, given that the Olympics are currently on and given that Rebecca Adlington and Jo Jackson have just memorably won gold and bronze medals in swimming’s 400m freestyle we thought we might change

The best way to ensure that people do something, is to pay them for it. It worked for Ray-Ban when the company bought attention to its newly unveiled advertisements by sending 100 sunglasses clad actors to a busy intersection in New York to stop and stare at the billboard. Word

We entered and we conquered. Hotcow are now the proud owners of an award, and our passion and resolves grows from strength to strength. The award was for 'Partnership Marketing' with the Charlottes Web DVD Release campaign for Paramount Home Entertainment. You can read all about it under