
experiential Archives - Hotcow

product sampling

Experiential: just what does it mean to be memorable?

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Some marketers think memorable means shocking, but it doesn’t. In terms of business, a memorable marketing campaign delivers long-lasting brand value. Let us break down the different elements of a memorable experiential marketing campaign… Awe People remember things that impress …
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Do Retailers Need Experiential to Survive?

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In recent years, it seems as though retailers have needed to follow the mantra “evolve or die” more carefully than ever before. After all, the majority of today’s online shopping activity is quickly turning towards the digital world, leaving very …
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product sampling

3 Examples of Exceptional Experiential Companies

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Experiential marketing offers something new and exciting to customers, by allowing them to interact with brands on a more intimate, and unique level. A multi-sensory approach to advertising and branding initiatives – experiential appeals to the modern millennial audience by …
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Play Hard: The Power of Experiential for Toy Brands

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Numerous research studies have been conducted in an effort to prove the connection that exists between early childhood development, and learning through play. These studies have consistently demonstrated strong links between games and toys that encourage problem-solving and creativity in …
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