Social media is a minefield – and it can sometimes do more harm than good. But it is possible to utilise social media platforms to increase both your market power and consumer brand loyalty. Tread carefully, get it right and …
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Last week, rumours surfaced that Cadbury is rethinking its high-profile flagship Spots v Stripes London 2012 marketing campaign. The reason? Failing to engage its consumers.
Sampling is great for getting your product in to people’s hands but is it enough? Can an experience take sampling further than product trial? The answer is yes, but true understanding of how can be a complex issue that requires implicit knowledge of your objectives, the techniques you will use and most importantly, strategic thinking and correct planning.
The front page of last week’s Marketing Magazine was overcome by the all-conquering supermarket Tesco as it announced its new health and beauty push aiming to become “better than boots”. Their plan? To roll out a “beauty services” retail concept before the end of the year which could take the form of in-store hairdressers and nail bars.