5 Reasons Why it is Important to be the Black Sheep

Black Sheep

Since time immemorial being the black sheep of any family has been seen as a bad thing. Conformity has been seen as the way forward and unusual or different behaviour has been frowned upon…at the very least. Well, here at Hotcow we’re not at all sure that this should be the case. In fact, we’re gone as far as to put down five reasons why being the black sheep is not just good, it’s also important. Read on.

Black Sheep Don’t follow the Herd. – We may be mixing our metaphors slightly here (it’s cows and herds right?) but it’s still true! How will you ever stand out from the crowd in today’s marketplace if all you do is follow the lead of others? Make your own way and never be a mindless follower of fashions, trends or anything else!
Black Sheep Make Their Own Rules. – We’re not advocating anything illegal here obviously. The point is simply this; before you embark on a course of action constrained by traditional rules (and we’re leaning towards marketing rules here, but the point stretches) stop and consider whether or not these rules absolutely, positively have to be followed. If they don’t, well, there may be a better way of doing things that others haven’t looked into and that could give you a big advantage in your campaigning. Don’t be afraid to build your own marketing ethos.
Black Sheep Live Outside The Comfort Zone. – When you live with the herd it’s easy just to mosey along getting fatter and more comfortable, expending ever less effort in the pursuit of excellence and ever more on maintaining your position with the rest of the herd. Black sheep live outside these confines, black sheep pursue their own agendas and generally stay leaner and keener than other sheep. Being a black sheep allows you to constantly and critically assess your performance without succumbing to the urge just to measure yourself next to other people.
Black Sheep Get Talked About. – Black sheep don’t do what the crowd do…this gets them noticed. Black sheep do things their own way…this too gets them noticed. There are very few things better than being talked about. Learn to use this buzz to attract customers and media alike.
Black Sheep Are Edgy. – Being edgy goes hand in hand with making your own rules and standing out from the crowd. Being edgy is all about living on the line and sailing close to the wind. Being edgy is all about making waves and forging your own way ahead regardless of where others are building the roads…it’s the kind of thing that makes traditionalists rather uncomfortable. There again, it’s also the kind of thing that brings customers flocking to your door. Live like there’s no tomorrow.

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