Don’t be a monkey – Go Guerrilla! 

If brands want to make a real impact with a target audience – surprise is one of the best weapons you will ever have at your disposal.

Consumers spend a lot of time repeating well-worn routines. Journeys to and from work. The same places to eat and drink. The same high streets and shopping malls to frequent on the weekend.

It is simply a fact of life. Fortunately we have all manner of technology at our disposal to keep us occupied and dispel the realities of the humdrum.

Despite what we might prefer to believe, most of us are creatures of habit.

So how can you change behavioral patterns and shock people into making changes?

Surprise them.

Guerrilla marketing is where brands utilize agile teams of savvy brand ambassadors to interact with audiences on the move. The locations are never paid for, which means campaign budgets can be spread further (if managed correctly) and no pre-event awareness takes place.

The Guerrilla approach is normally used as a way to heighten consumer awareness and drive trial and purchase. But not always.

Random acts of kindness for example, are a great way to bring goodwill and sparkle to somebody’s day. It is a way for brands to give something back and make people smile. When it is done without cynical intention, it creates positive feelings and importantly, positive word of mouth.

Social media enables these moments to flourish when shared with our communities.

With Guerrilla marketing, you have the means to offer more than simply distribution of stock. It is a truly wonderful way to engage with people and be a catalyst for happiness.

Today’s consumers are savvier than ever. The Internet, has wounded the art of surprise. Ideas, thoughts, brands, videos and images are available and accessible 24/7.

Of the 5000+ brand messages we are exposed to each day – how many do we actually retain?

How many are we actually aware of?

Because the nature of Guerrilla is positive disruption. It means Brands can cut through the clutter of competitors jostling for position on the consumer landscape and speak with an audience face to face. If they do this with some imagination and pizzazz, they can create unique moments in people’s lives which will stay with them long after.

The more creative you can be with your consumer engagement, the more effective you become.

Consumers always respond to the unexpected – Guerrilla is the only way to really achieve this.

Hotcow have been voted one of the top Guerrilla marketing agencies in the world. We can show you how to create memorable campaigns that stick in consumer’s minds and ensure your brand is the only thing worth talking about.