Daily Archives

August 30, 2007

Buzzing….The Bee Movie

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Bee Movie Hotcow is working on the DVD release of the Bee Movie, released early 2008. The Bee Movie set for theatrical release in Dec 2007. It is an animation/comedy with the voices of Jerry Seinfeld, Renee Zellweger, Matthew Brodwick, John Goodman and Chris Rock.

The Plot: Barry B Benson (Seinfeld), a bee who has just graduated from college, is disillusioned with his lone career choice: making honey. On a special trip outside the Hive, Barry's life is saved by Vanessa (Zellweger), a florist in New York City. As their relationship blossoms, he discovers that Humans actually eat honey, and subsequently decides to sue us.
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1408 – The Release

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1408 - The Release Hotcow embarked on a media partner campaign to raise awareness of the film, 1408 starring John Cucask and Samuel L Jackson, and put some genuine fear into our competition winners. We worked with Kerrang Radio, VHI - the Jo Whiley Show and Zoo Magazine...shortly after the winner is announced they will be heading on an Eerie Evenings Ghost Hunting expedition on the 16 November at Tutbury Castle...folllowed by a rest after far too much heart racing stimulation at the near-by Dog and Partridge Hotel. We are already shakin' in our boots?!*! What is 1408? A man specialising in debunking paranormal occurrences checks into the Dolphin Hotel. Soon after settling in he confronts sheer terror. Check out the website: www.1408-themovie.com
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Pinewood Smokin’ hot 70th Anniversary

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Hotcow worked on Pinewood's 70th Anniversary Party where 1000 invite only people attended to celebrate their 70th Anniversary. We provided people with family goodie bags filled choca-bloc with Disney Toys, Shrek 3 door hangers and posters, Charlottes web games, Bottlegreen drinks, London Cuppa Tea Bags, Pooing Panda chocolates and much more.

We also put on a Raffle for 'Make a Wish' foundation where American Airlines gave us 2 tickets to NY and Paramount Pictures gave us a private screening of Transformers that their private cinema in Golden Square, Soho. Cobra Beer were the alcoholic partner of choice providing us with a huge supply of beer. We then settled into the day by indulging in BBQ's, Ice Creams, Stunt Displays and Movie Memorabilia whilst being driven around the studios "star-style" in a golf buggie.

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