Social Networking TrendsSocial Networking is not just a tool for the younger generation! With the average social networking user at 37 years old, are brands tapping in on this latest trend?

There are more people in the UK getting online and users are spending 65% more time on the internet than they were a few years ago, according the UK Online Measurement Company (UKOM). Further results of the survey state that the average web surfer spends 22 hours and 15 minutes online each month. A massive 22.7% of this time is spent on social networking sites.

Many of us write off social networking as a tool for the younger generation to gossip away with each other online, post up pictures and talk about up and coming night’s out. However, recent statistics show that the average age group dominating the social networking sphere is the 35-45 year olds. It is women however who are the fastest growing users of social networking sites.

A lot of brands have already recognised the potential of bringing campaigns online and into the hands of social networking users. It is a great platform to launch campaigns and to get users to enter competitions, interact with the brand and pass on easily to their friends.

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