Twitter to launch Twitter Stories

Twitter Story We are constantly talking about how experiential marketing and social media are the perfect marriage and the latest developments are taking the positive steps to address it; proving the couple a match made in heaven!

Yesterday, Twitter unveiled a new website with a collection of Twitter Stories showcasing some great examples of how the information you share can have a positive global impact through social media.

Sharing people’s stories about how Twitter has made a difference is a way to highlight some of the huge impact a single tweet can have. We love the one about a man who saved his mother’s bookstore by sending a single Tweet back in 2008. Check out the video below.

What do the Twitter Stories mean for brands?

In our blog about ‘Why do the majority of social media campaigns fail?’ we discuss importance of using social media to tell your brand story and to communicate with people across the world. The launch of Twitter Stories can only reassure one of the great benefits of social media; to show the humanity behind Tweets, which is ultimately important to create an emotional connection with some inspiring stories that make the difference.

Each month Twitter will curate a selection of stories that highlight an interesting use of Twitter. You can submit your work by mentioning @twitterstories or by using the hashtag #twitterstory.

What are your thoughts? Tweet us @Hotcow!

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