How to Tailor Guerrilla Marketing to Almost Any Business

By September 1, 2016General

Guerrilla marketing is something of a strange concept for many business owners today.

Often, companies regard this notion to be something that belongs completely to bigger brands, but the truth is that you can make the tactic work for almost any business, of any size – so long as you have flexibility, creativity, and a willingness to take a risk from time to time.

The one thing that guerrilla marketing doesn’t need to work – is a big budget.

If you want to simply ensure that your company gets noticed, or raise awareness for your brand, then engaging in a few guerrilla marketing techniques could be a good place to start.

Step 1: Understand guerrilla Marketing

Before you can make guerrilla marketing work for your company, you need to ensure that you understand what it is, and what it can do. Usually, this solution to advertising refers to any promotion that is unexpected, unconventional, and capable of establishing a unique reaction from the viewer.

However, while guerrilla Marketing is often disruptive and shocking, it shouldn’t be done to offend, or upset a consumer. An emotional response is usually a good thing, but the idea shouldn’t be to annoy your target market, so remember to be careful when you start planning.

Step 2: Prepare to Take a Risk

If your business isn’t stable enough to manage a risk, then guerrilla marketing may not be the best option. Though it’s often perfectly tailored to small businesses, it won’t work with all industries and clientele.

The very nature of a guerrilla marketing campaign ensures that you could end up ruffling some feathers, and if the thought of that worries you, then you might want to look into other engaging approaches – such as experiential marketing, or alternative PR stunts.

Step 3: Think About Your Audience

Finally, the ultimate way to tailor your Guerrilla marketing effort to almost any business, is to make the campaign according to the thoughts, ideas, and beliefs of your target audience.

So long as you consider every aspect of the market you’re trying to appeal to – including their age, demographic, location, and sense of humour, you should be able to generate relatively successful results.

Never assume that you can get away with something just because a similar, or larger company have done something similar. Your audience is unique, which means that your marketing campaigns should be unique too.

Hotcow is a non-traditional creative agency that specialises in experiential marketing that goes viral. Our campaigns generate buzz through crowd participation, PR and content sharing. Contact us on 0207 5030442, or email us on