How to drive footfall to your store and keep it coming

How to drive footfall to your store and keep it coming The simple solution to this common problem is to give people a reason to come in and buy from you! At a time when retailers are seeing an increase in online spend and people use shopping centres as a form of entertainment this could be anything from a free makeover to an in-store mini-gig! Give consumers great experiences that they will re-live with their friends and families!

Once they are in great…but how to keep them coming?

Being a friendly bunch we look at this problem in terms of friends. You know that old friend that you see once or twice a year? Christmas and maybe the odd birthday? That is the friend you don’t want to be. Fleeting in and out of your consumers’ consciousness is nice when it happens but surely both of you want more? What about the good friend that is always there, stays in touch and emotionally connects with you on a regular basis? That is exactly the type of friend you want to be.

Doing things that consistently keep you top of mind with your customers can make you that good friend tHey can always rely on – the one they tell all their friends about and the one that keeps on giving.

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