Six benefits of product sampling

By September 28, 2015General

Have you ever considered product sampling as a marketing campaign? Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or are launching your first business, you might be a little reluctant to give away free samples of your products. After all, there’s no guarantee that it will get you a return on your investment.

But isn’t that the same for any other form of marketing?

The fact is that giving people the opportunity to test your product first hand is the most effective way to get them to see the value of your product themselves.

Here are six key benefits of product sampling to give you food for thought:

1: Spreads the word

If you’re giving out free samples, you’re immediately increasing awareness of your brand. Work out the best way of getting samples to your target market and let them do your marketing for you, by recommending it to their network.

2: Shows your generosity

Giving out free samples shows that your company is generous – you’re giving them a free gift with no strings attached. You don’t expect feedback, a tip or a future purchase – with product sampling; you just trust them to use or consume the product and judge it for themselves.

3: Gets feedback

You might not expect feedback, but that doesn’t mean you won’t get any. If you’re giving out free samples in person, you might get some instant feedback. If you include a hashtag or your Twitter handle on the packaging, you may well get some online feedback. You can retweet the most positive endorsements your product receives, further improving brand awareness.

4: Tempts existing customers

Why not tempt your customers to spend a little more by offering free samples when they spend above a certain amount? Your product sampling campaign could promote new product line or a related product – anything that’ll tempt them to buy from you in the future.

5: Receives publicity

If your product sampling campaign is particularly noteworthy or unusual, you might receive some press coverage or social buzz about your company and your products. Obvious publicity stunts don’t always go down well with the public, however, so be subtle.

6: Shows confidence in your product

If you’re willing to give out free samples of your product, it shows that you expect to hear only positive feedback in return. Companies that have no confidence in their products are hardly likely to want to stop groups of people on the street, only to hear that they don’t like the product.

Hotcow is a non-traditional creative agency that specialises in experiential marketing that goes viral. Our campaigns generate buzz through crowd participation, PR and content sharing. Contact us on 0207 50 30442 or email us on