When is a saving really a cost?

When is a saving really a cost? Understanding the value of experiential disciplines and what they deliver against the ‘job to be done’ for your brand can be a tiring and confusing task. When you get information back from agencies you look straight to the bottom of the page to find out the total cost of the campaign is and skip past the in-between information about the type of customers you are speaking to and how many conversations you are likely to have with these customers. Instantly, your gut says that the price seems high. You stop there and don’t pick up that piece of paper again.

Stop right there, we are here to tell you that you have just missed off a vital piece of information that can significantly affect this decision making process. You are just about to embark on a costly exercise for your brand because you will pay a high price to speak to a high volume of inadequate, unlikely to purchase customers.

Do you want to waste all that money on people who are never going to buy from you? No. You want to spend money on customers who will spend money on you.

Focus on the detail – what is it going to cost to speak to the right target audience? Does that seem like a fair price to start a first time conversation with people that should be buying my product?

By reading this information you have just saved your company thousands of pounds! If you are looking for more information please get in touch.

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