Sampling – the right way

Sampling’ – It is a term well-known in the experiential marketplace.

In many ways it is a plain term which initially doesn’t tend to spark imaginative notions of creativity, fun and engagement.

So what exactly is ‘sampling’?

In the world of live event marketing, it is a method of driving both trial and awareness.

Sometimes brands give out ‘sample’ sized portions, to (hopefully) leave the audience wanting more.

Sometimes consumers get the full sized  product to sample.

One thing we can be sure of,  is that sampling activities tend towards high volume, mass distribution of product to the masses.

In a busy location, it is possible to distribute thousands of product samples if you have the right strategy, tools and “manpower” to do so.

The focus of each sampling day is to make sure that not only are all samples handed out, but handed out in the right way and to the right target audience – what good is a protein bar for the health market in the hands of a small child?

Time and time again we see bad sampling. Mass samples being handed out to anyone who will “willingly” have one. There is often a lack of engagement and the brands message is either unheard or lost. The sampling activity is essentially a free-for-all. The overall impact of this we can tell you, will be questionable.

Now imagine. You come over to my house for dinner one evening and I take you by the hand. I tell you that I have something I want to show you.

I open a cupboard door and from inside the cupboard I retrieve a glass bottle filled with golden liquid.

I tell you a story about the golden liquid and where I got it from.

I then pour you a glass and ask you to try it.

You drink the liquid, take in the flavours and then I ask you – what do you  think?

This is in essence sampling as it should be. Creating an experience that draws in an audience and makes it in some way memorable.

Mass distribution with nothing else to offer is merely disposing of stock. Sampling is much more than this. To be effective, sampling needs to engage with an audience and involve them in the brand narrative.

When you are at the planning stages of a sampling activation – what are the first questions you ask yourself?

If the initial round of questions contain ‘how many samples can be given away’  or even, ‘what are the maximum number of samples we can distribute’ – you could be on your way to creating a very expensive product disposal exercise.


Hotcow is a multi-award winning, Experiential Marketing agency that deliver 50% more ROI, than clients would receive from any other brand experience agency. We accomplish this through our ‘R.A.R.E Advantage’ platform. For more information about R.A.R.E and how it can transform your marketing impact, contact us.