Celebrating Creativity #32 – SNCF

SNCF and their escape machine Experiential marketing is all about generating talkability around your brand and the guys in charge of French railways certainly managed to that with this great experience on the Palais Royal in Paris.

SNCF wanted to spread the word about the “escape service” they offer on their booking site so they created this extravagant experience that certainly caused quite a stir!

A large unmarked black box with a red button appeared on the Palais Royal intriguing passers-by from the outset. There was no way that red button was going to last long un-pressed and as soon as a member of the public divulged their favourite of three destinations and pressed it the whole thing burst in to life!

The child in us loves the ridiculous and silly nature of the box once the button is pressed! It suspends reality for a few moments and takes you back to a previous time – a sure way to create an emotional attachment!

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