Celebrating Creativity #137 – Aziatage

Aziatage Experiential Billboard Here’s another fantastic experiential combination of creativity and artwork, which invited consumer participation and created a bit of emotional connection.

To generate buzz around their new Pan-Asian cafe in Russia, Aziatage designed an art project themed around the Chinese Dragon Festival, and asked passers-by to take part in creating a giant dragon made out of chopsticks.

They set up a billboard with 11,000 punctured holes near the newly opened cafe and had a number of promo staff giving away pairs of chopsticks to lucky pedestrians. Consumers were told to split the chopsticks, pushing one into the board and keep the one with the logo on to receive a discount at the cafe.

The result? A huge dragon billboard made by 11,000 chopsticks, lots of buzz around the opening and a cafe full of guests.

Check out the video below and tweet us your thoughts @Hotcow!

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