3 Simple Ways to Upgrade Your Experiential Strategy

By December 15, 2016General

As we move closer to the new year, it’s fair to say that experience-based marketing is no longer a little-known tactic for cutting edge brands.

Experiential marketing is everything.

Today, giving your customers an experience that they can enjoy and remember represents an essential aspect of a fully integrated marketing campaign. It’s something that brands need to think about when building connections with their audience.

With that in mind, we don’t think that you should start celebrating the end of the year, until you have a basic understanding of how to upgrade and improve your experiential experiences. Here are just a few tips for building a more unforgettable, and emotionally-charged experience for your audience.

1.   Use Event Moments for Content

Today, savvy marketers recognise that the events they host represent one of the best solutions for content creation, distribution, and social amplification around. In other words, if you want to make the most out of your experiential offering, then you’ll need to build moments into that experience that prompts people to share and interact.

For instance, incorporate content generation and sharing into your experiential design with hashtags, scan-able QR codes, or Instagram photo opportunities. The possibilities are endless.

2.   Try VR

2016 was officially they year when virtual reality became a mainstream option. From the Oculus Rift, to the HTC Vive, and even the latest Sony VR creation, there’s a range of ways to get involved with brand new worlds that never could have been built by brands before.

Although VR is definitely becoming more of a “common” experience for the average user, it’s still not accessible on a wide-spread scale for most. That’s why implementing a truly engaging VR experience could help to give you that competitive edge when you take your event to the masses. If you’re looking for immersion in your events, VR has it to spare.

3.   Get Emotional

Finally, although the technology and strategies surrounding experiential might change and evolve in the years to come – one thing will always remain the same. No matter what you do as a brand, you’ll always establish a more successful, and profitable relationship with your audience members if you can interact with them on emotional level.

Make your audience members think, and feel, and they’ll reward you with an incredible amount of loyalty and sharing opportunities. Just be careful that you don’t invoke the wrong emotions with your messages.

Hotcow is a non-traditional creative agency that specialises in experiential marketing that goes viral. Our campaigns generate buzz through crowd participation, PR and content sharing. Contact us on 0207 5030442, or email us on info@hotcow.co.uk.